KISS ARMY the coolest band in the world! You know the name. They know your standards. Built on integrity and a never ending pursuit of perfection, it’s no wonder why after 18 years of relentless trial and error, that Marc Shadows, Steve Clark, Bryan Angel, and Rob Evans hold the number one spot as the world’s finest KISS tribute experience today. You better believe it! When it truly comes to recreating the original KISS concert experience of the late 70’s, there can be only -ONE- KISS ARMY.
Armed and dangerous w/identical makeup, costumes, classic instruments, top notch musicianship and an uncanny character portrayal to boot, KISS ARMY RULES!
You want THE best? This IS the best! Don’t miss your chance to relive the heydays of Gene, Peter, Paul & ACE with the internationally recognized KISS tribute phenomenon KISS ARMY -The Coolest Band in the World!